The Schoolwear Association
The Schoolwear Association was established in 2006 and represents all those involved in the supply of school specific uniform – retailers, direct to school suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, suppliers, decorators, agents and schools. Together, the members clothe approximately three quarters of Britain’s school children.
It currently has over 200 members who subscribe to a Code of Conduct and work to drive up standards in our industry. Billings & Edmonds is proud to be a member of the Schoolwear Association.

“With uniform you can't be judged”
“It basically just stops bullying”
“I think when you have a school uniform on you feel more concentrated (about) your work”
Source: Family Kids and Youth
The Benefits of School Specific Uniform
Although the continued importance of school uniform is regularly debated in the media, it appears that specific uniform policies are more popular among parents and children than you would imagine. Recently the Schoolwear Association has seen pupils at a school in Aberdeen vote in favour of adopting a uniform policy after previously having a ‘come-as-you-please’ dress code and the Association has seen pupils across the country remark on the personal rewards of wearing a school uniform every day.
Read moreCreating Higher Standards in the Schoolwear Industry
The Schoolwear Association promotes best practice among its members and aims to strengthen the links between schools, retailers, manufacturers and suppliers. Members of the Association sign up to a Code of Practice outlining ethical and fair trading. Billings & Edmonds adheres to this Code of Practice and usually goes beyond what is recommended in many areas. In 2017, Billings & Edmonds was awarded UK Schoolwear Specialist, Runner Up by the Schoolwear Association in its national awards.
Click here for the Code of PracticeThe Voice of the Schoolwear Industry
The Schoolwear Association Committee is made up of a diverse group of people from across the whole industry and they draw on their collective experience in the industry to communicate all relevant issues to the members. They are in active discussion with a wide range of organisations including Government Agencies, the Office of Fair Trading, National Governors Association, plus various teacher and parent organisations. They have actively campaigned to have VAT reduced to 5% on upper badged school uniform and vigorously entered the debate when it looked likely that all children’s clothing would become liable for VAT. They regularly conduct surveys and carry out research. Billings & Edmonds uses information produced by the Association to help it stay up to date with developments in the industry.
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